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The value of hospitality consulting and SIHC’s continuous growth post COVID

2021 has started with a big bang! Is it the legendary sight of the light at the end of the tunnel? For sure it comes together with big hopes and a tremendous eagerness for our industry to return to normalcy. But nothing will happen without the reset, The Great Reset in Hospitality after COVID-19. The more the industry is in troubles, the more important is good consultancy by experienced industry professionals, by the hotel and tourism experts.

It is now the time to restructure, to reposition, to re-think the strategy and to recall the best practices following a major crisis. SIHC is doing exactly this together with our customers, our business partners as we prefer to call them.

In Q4 2020 the SIHC website traffic has increased by 84%, the number of inquiries by almost 100% compared to the same period of last year. A clear sign that good professional advice has greater value than ever. It is not the time to make any mistakes for those many hotels, restaurants and tourism companies that are pushed to their limits by the pandemic. The consultancy of our associates often may be critical for a speedy and sustainable recovery from the current downturn. Some of our business partners have even recognised the big opportunity this crisis entails. COVID-19, indeed, provides huge opportunities to reset, restructure or reposition and to do so quicker than the competition. Now it’s all about speed and making the right choices in the resetting game!

Simultaneously with the increase in demand, we increase the offer of consulting expertise. SIHC continues to grow in numbers of our consultants and the coverage of countries and hospitality fields where we had limited expertise earlier.

Already at the end of last year, Cosmin Popescu joined us as Associate Manager for the French speaking part of Switzerland as well as South East Europe. A native Romanian, he is particularly experienced with hotel business in his home country and Cyprus. Today, he is based in Lausanne, Switzerland and currently a full-time consultant. His experiences are predominantly in reservations and front office, with a love for communication and Human Resources. His tremendous language skills and niche expert knowledge are a great asset to his consulting work. He currently also runs a HR project providing highly qualified seasonal labor to small and medium sized companies in the tourism sector.

Starting 2021, we are also receiving reinforcement from Ron Yariv as Associate Director Israel. Ron is a full time hospitality consultant for many years as well as an advisor to the Israeli Government in the tourism field. He has a wealth of experiences with some of the world’s largest hotel companies as well as the co-working industry. Ron joins the SIHC platform in a time when hotel transactions are on the rise post COVID and we are very confident that our business partners will benefit from our combined network of investors, developers and hotel operators.

A big welcome to Cosmin and Ron and best of success in your consulting endeavors!

Stay healthy and be optimist!

Markus Kraus

Founder & CEO

Swiss International Hospitality Consulting

For inquiries to SIHC, requests for business analysis, recovery plans or investment opportunities, please contact us under


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